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Wonder Ponder, Visual Philosophy for Children, is an imprint specialising in products for fun and engaging thinking. This website provides accompanying material to our Wonder Ponder boxes, including guides for children, parents and mediators, ideas for wonderpondering and fun games and activities. It is also a platform for sharing your very own Wonder Ponder content and ideas.

I Wonder: Self-interviews Under Lockdown

Filtering by Tag: Wonder Ponder

Ainhoa, 15 years old, Mieres (Spain). I Wonder #66: Self-interviews Under Lockdown

Ellen Duthie

‘We go around thinking everything is going to be okay, that our lives will turn out good, that nothing special will happen but we don’t think about what the alternative is. We don’t think about what could happen if world war 3 starts, if someone very essential in our live dies, .... if a new disease kills a lot of humans and makes us stay at home for months. Maybe something little may cause the biggest twist in your life, we can’t know what will happen, so don’t take anything for granted. Life isn’t insured.’

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Ellen Duthie

How can I create the illusion of outdoors indoors? ¡[Biel’s drawing] is based on true events. Biel made himself a house with cushions and blankets and that way when he came out, he had the feeling that he was going outdoors. He put a film on the TV and felt like he’d gone to the cinema.’

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Calling all 5 to 18 year-olds under lockdown!

Ellen Duthie

Illustration by Daniela Martagón

Leer este post en español

Do you have any interesting questions and thoughts about the coronavirus and lockdown life?

I WONDER, SELF-INTERVIEWS UNDER LOCKDOWN is a Wonder Ponder project where we invite young people between the ages of 5 and 18 to wonder and ponder about the coronavirus and its consequences through self-interviews in audio, text or illustrated format.

We have created this space as a repository of young voices in confinement wondering and pondering about the coronavirus crisis and its consequences.

You can listen to, read and look at the self-interviews here .

We are inviting people aged 5 to 18 to send us their self-interviews in audio, written or illustrated format, as they prefer.

You can prepare your self-interview with the help of these instructions and send us your audio, text or image files by email to the address info@wonderponderonline.com, entering I WONDER as the subject.

Download instructions here.