Carmen, 15 years old, Mieres (Spain). I Wonder #75: Self-interviews Under Lockdown
Ellen Duthie
“I don’t like being in 10 square meters for more than a month. Moreover I can’t stand my parents and my sister is foul. All the homework stresses me out. I miss going out with my friends.”
Carmen is 15 years old and lives in Mieres, Spain, where she also goes to school.
At the time of this interview she had been under lockdown for about 50 days with her parents and sister. How’s she coping? ‘Not well’, she says and then proceeds to write frankly about her experience. No word mincing here!
*This interview was received on May 23rd, when lockdown hadn’t quite started opening up in Spain.
-What don’t you like about lockdown?
I don’t like being in 10 square meters for more than a month. Moreover I can’t stand my parents and my sister is foul. All the homework stresses me out. I miss going out with my friends.
- What concerns you about the general situation?
I am worried about the economic crisis we are going to live after this quarantine. A lot of businesses have closed down.
-How did you feel the first days of lockdown?
I felt strange, because I wasn’t used to be at home for such a long time. Then I didn’t feel like doing anything and that was horrible.
-Is there anything you do like about it? What?
The only thing I like is that I don’t have to get up early.
-What helps you cope with the situation? Do you have any suggestions for people who are not coping so well?
I recommend going for a walk , this way you don’t feel trapped.
- Who do you recommend spending a lockdown with?
I totally recommend spending the lockdown alone, without anyone annoying you.
-What do you miss?
I miss going shopping, going out for dinner in Requejo, dressing in street clothes like jeans or a nice dress, and many more things.
I Wonder, Self-interviews Under Lockdown is a project by Wonder Ponder inviting 5 to 18 year olds to ask questions and think about the coronavirus crisis and its consequences through self-interviews in audio, written or ilustrated format.
If you want to send a self-interview for us to include it in the project, please read this entry and follow these instructions.
We look forward to hearing from you!
You can see/read/listen to other self-interviews here.