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Wonder Ponder, Visual Philosophy for Children, is an imprint specialising in products for fun and engaging thinking. This website provides accompanying material to our Wonder Ponder boxes, including guides for children, parents and mediators, ideas for wonderpondering and fun games and activities. It is also a platform for sharing your very own Wonder Ponder content and ideas.

Wonder Ponder Blog

The Wonder Ponder blog includes posts on the creative processes behind our Visual Philosophy for Children material, as well as workshop experiences, guest posts on a variety of topics and generally interesting, eye-catching or mind-bloggling stuff we feel like sharing with you. 

Filtering by Tag: Christmas

It's here! Wonder Ponder's free downloadable 7-page Christmas wonderpondering booklet

Ellen Duthie

It’s here! Our first (we are far from superstitious but have all our fingers and toes crossed in the hope that it is also our last) pandemic Christmas.

And following the now established tradition, we are sharing our Christmas Wonderpondering downloadable booklet for wondering, pondering, questioning and drawing about Christmas.

What should a good present be like? And what should it NOT be like? Could anything be a present? Do we all deserve presents? Could a broom be a good gift? A new cooking pot? A rifle? Does getting presents make us happy? What are enough presents and what are too many presents? Is a football pitch full of presents too many presents? Is a pair of socks enough of a present? ¿Would you give half your presents to a kid that didn’t have any?

If your answer is yes, would you open them beforehand, to see what they were and make a selection (this one’s for me, this one’s for him or her) or would you share them out, half and half, before opening them? Is one of the two options fairer than the other? If you would open them before in order to make a selection, what would you take into account when deciding, for each present, whether to keep it or give it to the other person?

TIME FOR PRESENTS is only one of the 7 pages from our special Christmas Wonderpondering downloadable booklet for thinking about Christmas. A gift in the form of a free, downloadable, printable and shareable PDF.

This year we have included a hidden pandemic question. Can you find it? There is a wee clue on the cover page.

The free downloadable resources we offer at Wonder Ponder take a very long time and to create and are fairly costly to produce.

It is our choice to make them available free of charge and we think it's great for them to be downloaded for free.

If, however, you would like to support our work and acknowledge the use and enjoyment you get out of our resources, you can make a voluntary contribution, that will help us to continue to create free resources and undertaking other projects such as our I, WONDER, SELF-INTERVIEWS UNDER LOCKDOWN project, where more than 100 people aged 5 to 18 took part and which has been read by hundreds of people.

Your contribution might reflect the price you think is fair for this particular booklet, or an amount for the booklets you have downloaded and enjoyed in the past and you suspect you will download and enjoy in the future.

You can make your contribution by clicking on the button below or via paypal, here (please enter “I would like to make a contribution” in the note section so that we can track donations).

Another important way of supporting our work is downloading it for free and then sharing it on social networks. Thank you, whatever you decide!

I would like to make a contribution


Ellen Duthie


Christmas is around the corner and at Wonder Ponder we think it is a great chance for wonderpondering. In the last couple of years, we've had the chance to see for ourselves that many teachers and families also thought so, judging by all the messages we got describing what a great time they had had and how much they had wonderpondered about Christmas with our special downloadable Christmas wonderpondering booklet. 

So this year, here it is again, our Christmas gift for everyone to share:  a free, downloadable and printable PDF booklet chock-a-block with ideas for wonderpondering about Christmas. Enjoy!

Available in EnglishSpanish and Catalan

Click on the image above to download full PDF file. 

Available in EnglishSpanish and Catalan