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Wonder Ponder, Visual Philosophy for Children, is an imprint specialising in products for fun and engaging thinking. This website provides accompanying material to our Wonder Ponder boxes, including guides for children, parents and mediators, ideas for wonderpondering and fun games and activities. It is also a platform for sharing your very own Wonder Ponder content and ideas.

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The Wonder Ponder blog includes posts on the creative processes behind our Visual Philosophy for Children material, as well as workshop experiences, guest posts on a variety of topics and generally interesting, eye-catching or mind-bloggling stuff we feel like sharing with you. 

'Story Philosophy Intensive Course and Workshop for Adults in Madrid: An Introduction to Picture-book based Philosophical Dialogue with Children

Ellen Duthie

Wonder Ponder Academy presents...



Story Philosophy

An Introduction to picture-book based philosophical dialogue with children, for adults 


Sat. 24th & Sun. 25th of October, 2015


ELLEN DUTHIE and DANIELA MARTAGÓN to teach an intensive weekend workshop on philosophical dialogue with children in formal and information educational contexts, in the home and in children's literature, using word and image as springboards for discussion, play and creativity. 



TITLE OF THE COURSE: Story Philosophy (Filosofía de cuento)

DATE: Sat 24th & Sun 25th October in Madrid. 
LENGTH: 12 hours, divided into three 4 hour sessions (Saturday 10 to 2 and 4 to 8 and Sunday 10 to 2). 
 El Patio de la Pierna. Pizarro, 24. 28004. Madrid. 
PRICE: 120 € [Early bird bookings before 30th of September benefit from a reduced price of 100 €]  Includes mid-morning and afternoon hot/cold drinks and snacks . 
PLACES: 15 max
info@wonderponderonline.com or 680 587 759

AIMED AT: Teachers, librarians, writers, illustrations, parents and other curious adults interested in learning about the possibilities of philosophical dialogue with children or simply keen on exploring ways of incorporating elements of philosophical dialogue and questioning in their work or interaction with children.

DESCRIPTION: This intensive course is an introduction to philosophical dialogue with children, that combines theory and practice and is aimed at teachers, librarians, parents, writers and illustrations, as well as any other curious adults interested in learning about this practice or simply in incorporating elements of philosophical dialogue and questioning in different activities and levels of education for preschool and primary years, or in literary and artistic creations. 

We will read and discuss picture books, listen to philosophical dialogues among kids, and hold our own philosophical dialogues, with a view to providing basic indications and tools for introducing philosophical dialogue in the classroom, in the library, at home or in books.  

This workshop is a chance to explore and imagine how one might put into practice the many varied and interesting possibilites offered by the unique combination of creativity and rigour brought by philosophy.  


§ Philosophy with children: why and what for? The unavoidability of philosophy and the direct and indirect benefits of philosophical practice with children. 

§ Introduction to the concept, the history and the practice of philosophy with children. 

§ Basic principles for facilitating philosophical dialogue among children or with children and  basic rules for facilitating sessions or simply incorporating dynamics in the classroom or at home. The facilitator's role. 

§ The group as a community of inquiry. How does one build a community of inquiry? The model of co-operation and joint construction of meaning versus the knowledge transmission model.

§ Listening in philosophical practice with children. 

§ How to encourage and give a central role to questions as starting points but also as arrival points. 

§ Images as vehicles for questions.    

§ Creative thinking. Philosophical flights of fantasy anchored in internal consistency. 

§ Questioning reality and given truths compared to transmitting values. How to distinguish material for 'transmitting values' from material for philosophical dialogue. 

§ Guidelines for selecting good picture books (and other stimuli) for philosophical dialogue. How to tell a good stimulus from a poor one. 

§ Theoretical and practical references.


ELLEN DUTHIE (Cádiz, 1974). Born in Spain of British parents, Ellen holds an MA in Mental Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh.

A writer, teacher, blogger and translator, her interests are focused on children’s literature and philosophy for children. Over the last ten years, she has been developing material to stimulate philosophical dialogue with and among children, using children’s literature and visual stimuli as prompts for discussion. She is the author of the concept and texts of the Wonder Ponder series of Visual Philosophy for Children. 

She has taught several philosophy programs designed and developed for state and private institutions. She currently runs Filosofía a la de tres (filosofiaaladetres.blogspot.com) and Filosofía de cuento (filosofiadecuento.blogspot.com) for preschool and primary school children respectively. 

She has also translated Maurice Sendak's classic work Outside over There (Al otro lado, Kalandraka, 2015) and is the author of the bilingual blog We Read it Like This (wereaditlikethis.blogspot,com), where she reviews picture books, focusing on the experience of reading aloud. 

DANIELA MARTAGÓN (México, 1986).

Daniela is a graduate of Visual Arts from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and holds a Graduate Diploma in Drawing, Graphic Design and Web Design.

Interested in visuals, play and alternative education, her work encompass image, philosophy, narrative and communication.

The freshness and humour in Daniela’s illustrations are the result of a self-demanding process which brings together theoretical research and learning of the craft. One of the most striking things about her work is her ability to thoughtfully digest theory from a broad variety of disciplines and then bring it back in the form of deceivingly simple art.

In recent years she has specialised in children’s and YA literature and holds a Masters in Picture books from ‘i con i’ (Madrid). Daniela’s work was selected for the 2013 Iberoamerican Catalogue of Illustration. 

She is the coauthor and illustrator of the Wonder Ponder series of Visual Philosophy for Children.