Bringing the brain-bending experience of philosophical thinking into the school, playground and home
Ellen Duthie
Over the moon with the fantastic review in The Look Book by Anita Ridley!
Photo from Look Book review
"Wonder Ponder’s wonderfully open-ended box sets take philosophy into the classroom as well as out into the playground and into the home, immediately engaging children and adults alike in the satisfying, brain-bending experience that is philosophical thinking. Added extras, including blank cards and a poster for children to visualise their thought processes and arguments with, make Wonder Ponder box sets even more powerful, becoming a lens through which players can understand more about themselves and they way they think."
Photo from Look Book review
"Posing questions, both obvious and off-centre, Wonder Ponder presents 'players' with a variety of different trains of thought. The process of answering is as revealing as one might expect, as those involved attempt to put into words often quite deeply felt positions and try to justify the logic (or not, as the case may be) that they used to arrive at them. Using situations that are as close to home as possible, I, Person tacles what it is that makes us human, while Cruelty Bites ponders issues as broad as family relationships, the treatment of animals, as well as abstract concepts such as consious and unconscuous decision-making."
Photo from Look Book review
Read the full review here.